† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11664035, 11465016, 11764038, 11364038, and 11564033).
Above-threshold ionization (ATI) of a hydrogen atom exposed to chirped laser fields is investigated theoretically by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. By comparing the energy spectra, the two-dimensional momentum spectra, and the angular distributions of photoelectron for the laser pulses with different chirp rates, we show a very clear chirp dependence both in the multiphoton and tunneling ionization processes but no chirp dependence in the single-photon ionization. We find that the chirp dependence in the multiphoton ionization based ATI can be attributed to the excited bound states. In the single-photon and tunneling ionization regimes, the electron can be removed directly from the ground state and thus the excited states may not be very important. It indicates that the chirp dependence in the tunneling ionization based ATI processes is mainly due to the laser pulses with different chirp rates.
Above-threshold ionization (ATI) of atoms by the transform-limited (i.e., chirp-free) laser pulses has been widely investigated both experimentally[1–8] and theoretically.[9–15] However, there is less attention paid to the ATI of atoms in chirped laser pulses. Wang et al.[16] reported experimentally the chirp dependence of Freeman resonance structures in the ATI spectra of Xe exposed to chirped intense laser pulses. Theoretically, Nakajima et al.[17] investigated the ATI of Na by chirped infrared laser pulses by solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation (3D-TDSE) and attributed the chirp dependence of the photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) to the excited bound states in the multiphoton ionization processes. Laulan et al.[18] studied excitation and ionization of hydrogen atoms in intense chirped laser pulses. Xiang et al.[19] found that the cutoff of the ATI of one-dimensional H atoms can be extended dramatically using a few-cycle nonlinear chirped laser pulse. Peng et al.[20,21] analyzed numerically how the asymmetry parameters of the ionized electron momentum distributions of the H atom depend on the chirp rate of the few-cycle attosecond pulses in the single-photon ionization region. Pronin et al.[22] explained the chirp dependence of the asymmetry in the ionized electron distributions of atoms by a chirped few-cycle attosecond pulse with the perturbation theory. Furthermore, chirped laser pulses have also been applied extensively in quantum control study[23] and the coherent control of high-order harmonics and attosecond pulse duration.[24–29]
Mechanically, the electrons in atoms exposed to an intense laser field can be released into a continuum state by absorbing a single high-energy photon, absorbing simultaneously several photons, or tunneling through the potential barrier formed by the Coulomb force and the laser field. According to the Keldysh theory,[30] these different ionization mechanisms can be distinguished by the Keldysh parameter
In this paper, we theoretically investigate how the chirp rate of the laser pulses affects the energy spectra, the two-dimensional (2D) momentum spectra, and the PADs of the H atom in the single-photon, multiphoton, and tunneling ionization processes by solving the TDSE. The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. In Section
Under the dipole approximation and the length gauge, the TDSE of the H atom in the presence of a linearly polarized laser field can be written as
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The PADs and the 2D momentum spectra are obtained by projecting the final wave function at the end of the pulse onto eigenstates of a continuum electron
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In this paper, we consider a chirped femtosecond laser pulse having a Gaussian form, which is similar to that used in Refs. [17], [20], [21], and [35]. The laser pulse is assumed to be linearly polarized along the z axis with its vector potential given by
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In Ref. [36], we compared carefully the energy spectra and the 2D momentum distributions of H obtained from the TDSE based on the length and the velocity gauges, respectively. To further check the reliability of our numerical simulations, in Fig.
In the following, we show how the chirp rate of the laser pulses affects the PES, the PADs, and the 2D momentum spectra of the H atom in the multiphoton, single-photon, and tunneling ionization regimes, respectively. We take ϕ0 = 0 for all the numerical calculations in the rest of this paper.
In our simulations, we choose a τ0 = 5 fs (FWHM) laser field with the peak laser intensity of I0 = 1.3 × 1013 W/cm2 and central wavelength λ0 = 400 nm for the transform-limited pulse. The corresponding Keldysh parameter is 6. Figure
In Fig.
One can see that the instantaneous population of H for the chirp-free pulse is quite different from that using a positive (or negative) chirped pulse. Even for the same |ξ|, the instantaneous populations are still very different for ±ξ. It indicates that the excitation dynamics of the excited bound states are quite different due to the different time-dependent instantaneous frequency components for the unchirped and chirped laser pulses. This is the reason why the PES is different for the three cases of ξ = −1.73, ξ = 0, and ξ = 1.73.
The PADs are calculated by integrating over one-photon energy (i.e., 3.1 eV) around several ATI peaks labeled as S = 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Fig.
For the chirped laser pulses, the low-energy 2D momentum spectra have more complex structures than that of the chirp-free case as shown in Fig.
To check the argument that the chirp dependence essentially comes from the intermediate bound states in Ref. [17], we consider a 5 fs laser pulse with a laser peak intensity of 7.9 × 1013 W/cm2 and the central wavelength of 80 nm. The corresponding Keldysh parameter is 12. The single photon energy is 15.5 eV and thus the active electron in the ground state of H can be removed by absorbing a single photon. Figure
Finally, we study how the tunneling ionization depends on the chirp rate of the laser pulses. It is known that the active electron in the ground state of an atom can tunnel through the potential barrier and thus the excited bound states would play a minor role in the tunneling ionization, while the tunneling process is dominantly affected by the laser field. In our simulations, we use a 5 fs laser pulse with central wavelength of 800 nm and peak intensity of 3.16 × 1014 W/cm2. The corresponding Keldysh parameter is 0.6.
We theoretically study the chirp dependence of the ATI ionization processes of the hydrogen atom in an intense laser field by solving the TDSE. By comparing the energy spectra, the 2D momentum spectra, and the angular distributions of photoelectrons for the laser pulses with different chirp rates, we show a very clear chirp dependence both in the multiphoton and tunneling ionization processes, but no chirp dependence in the single-photon ionization. We also confirm that the chirp dependence in the multiphoton ionization based ATI can be attributed to the different excitation dynamics of intermediate bound states. In the single-photon and tunneling ionization regimes, the electron can be removed directly from the ground state and thus the excited states may not be very important. It indicates that the chirp dependence in the tunneling ionization based ATI processes is mainly due to the laser pulses with different chirp rates. Unfortunately, there is little experimental data available to examine these theoretical results, as far as we know.
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